Phusion Passenger 5.0.2

We've just released version 5.0.2 of the Phusion Passenger application server for Ruby, Python and Node.js. This release fixes some important issues.

The 5.x series of Passenger introduces many major improvements such as much better performance, a HTTP JSON API, better WebSocket support and more.

Phusion Passenger also has an Enterprise version which comes with a wide array of additional features. By buying Phusion Passenger Enterprise you will directly sponsor the development of the open source version.

Fixes erroneous "request queue full" errors

There was a bug in 5.0.1 where requests could sometimes become stuck when the response is too large. As a result, requests would pile up, resulting in "requests queue full" or "this website is under heavy load" errors. This has been fixed and we recommend everyone to upgrade as soon as possible. Relevant Github issue: GH-1404.

Debian/Ubuntu packages available

Debian and Ubuntu packages weren't available for 5.0.1 because we ran into an unexpected problem while building packages. But they're available now.

Miscellaneous minor bug fixes

  • When passenger-config restart-app is run interactively, if Passenger is not serving any applications, then the command now prints an error message instead of showing a menu with only a "Cancel" option.
  • Fixes a compilation problem on FreeBSD 10 (contributed by: clemensg). Closes GH-1401.
  • [Standalone] Fixes a crash that would occur if you use the --ctl parameter.
  • [Enterprise] The --max-request-time option has been added to Passenger Standalone.
  • [Enterprise] The max_request_time_reached hook has been introduced. This hook allows you to run diagnostics on a process that that took too long to respond to a request.

Installing or upgrading to 5.0.2






Ruby gem


If you are upgrading from 4.x, please read the 5.0 upgrade notes to learn about potential upgrade caveats.