Phusion Passenger 5.0.10: improved admin tools, fixed bugs

Version 5.0.10 of the Phusion Passenger application server for Ruby, Python, Node.js and Meteor has been released.

If you hadn't already, be sure to check out the many major improvements that the 5.x series of Passenger introduces. And please be aware that you can enjoy enterprise features and sponsor the open source development directly by buying Phusion Passenger Enterprise.

Apache crash regression fixed

In 5.0.9 we added code to avoid downcasing headers, but one flow was missing a variable initialization. This could cause an occasional crash for Apache users with form uploads (GH-1530).

Improvements in admin tools

It is now possible to run passenger-status, passenger-config restart-app and other admin commands without using sudo. When run without sudo, these admin commands only allow you to operate on apps and processes that are owned by the user that invoked the admin command (GH-1392).

The passenger-config reopen-logs command has been improved. Previously, it would sometimes fail to reopen the log file because some Passenger processes may be running as users that don't have write access to the log file. The reopen-logs command was revised to let the Watchdog process reopen the log file and have the new file handle be re-inherited by other Passenger processes, rather than letting those processes reopen the log file on their own (GH-1452).

In preparation for the introduction of future administrative interfaces, the passenger-config admin-command has been renamed to passenger-config api-call in order to avoid confusion.

Miscellaneous bug fixes

  • passenger-config restart-app no longer leaves the terminal in a state with a black background. Closes GH-1526.
  • If Union Station support is enabled, process and system metrics weren't being sent correctly to Union Station. This has been fixed.
  • [Enterprise] Fixes the fact that the Passenger Enterprise RPM didn't correctly set SELinux permissions on its own files.
  • [Apache] passenger-install-apache2-module no longer aborts with an error if the Apache configuration file contains errors. Closes GH-1525.
  • [Apache] Fixes a typo that would cause passenger-install-apache2-module to crash on Red Hat and CentOS systems on which the SELinux command line tools are not installed. Closes GH-1527.

Installing or upgrading to 5.0.10

We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Passenger, especially if you are on version 5.0.5 or below.





Red Hat


Ruby gem



If you are upgrading from 4.x, please read the 5.0 upgrade notes to learn about potential upgrade caveats.