Passenger 5.3.5: fixing Ubuntu 18.04 regression Version 5.3.5 of the Passenger app server fixes an issue with Ubuntu 18.04 package installation, and improves usability of crash reports.
Resolving Web Application Resource Bottlenecks with Concurrency This article is a general introduction into the bottlenecks of web applications and how application servers can deal with them to improve request throughput and response times. We will start off by introducing the role o
Efficiently and Conveniently Building Ruby and Node.js Application Docker Containers for Production In this article we will show how we build Docker application containers in two steps and explain why that is a useful thing to do. We then walk you through writing a build script that not only builds an application conta
Union Station ♥ Node.js: request introspection with Passenger 5.0.22 The latest Passenger release contains some exciting new monitoring features for Node.js applications. One of these is that Passenger can now deep-inspect applications to measure how long various function calls take, and
Tutorial: debugging Node.js apps on Passenger Passenger is compatible with Node.js debugging tools such as the builtin Node.js debugger and node-inspector. The builtin Node.js debugger is a simple terminal-based debugger that accepts terminal commands, while node-in