Year in review

With T minus 12 days until 2019 starts, we're looking back at a dynamic year.

We celebrated our 10th anniversary, launched our new developer documentation, enabled dark mode for said Docs, as well as the long awaited Passenger 6, introducing generic language support.

Before that though, Passenger ran through releases 5.2 to 5.3.7, including several security updates (CVE-2018-12026 - 12029), improving the reliability of binary downloads with a new mirror, adding Ubuntu 18.04 "Bionic" packages, updating language support, and vastly improving the spawning error page with extensive troubleshooting information.

Happy holidays from all of us at Phusion!

We ran our first livestream, co-hosted the Hacktoberfest kick-off, and attended several international conferences (like React Day in Berlin, JS-Nation, EuRuKo in Vienna, and Codedaze in Buffalo, NY).

At the beginning of the year we launched Fuse Panel to try and dip our toes in the metrics ecosystem. In other experiments, we toyed around with Kubernetes, with a pair-programming setup alternative, and we've been more transparent about what we consider next steps for Passenger (including dropping support for older software distributions, and a potential rewrite of Passenger in Go).

We've been (more vocal about) contributing to open source, and co-organized a platform for maintainers of critical Ruby projects.

Happy holidays, and looking forward to serve you (pun intended) in 2019!

The Phusion team